Achieve reliable pharma and consumer health product forecasts 

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Achieve reliable pharma and consumer health product forecasts 

Learn how decision influence modeling can help deliver more accurate forecasts and better healthcare decision behavior.

The decision-making process for healthcare treatments and OTC products is more complex than ever.

The acceleration of digital healthcare has empowered patients with more tools to manage their own health. For pharmaceutical products, the traditional role of the physician has changed. Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) are no longer the only decision-makers for healthcare treatments. 

Conversely, in the consumer health space, marketers are tackling the increasing influence HCPs are having on OTC purchases, from infant formula to vitamins.

This shift in decision-making power requires companies to adapt their market research to better predict treatment and purchase decisions. It’s important that new product forecast models capture reality – to account for both stakeholder’s influence on the ultimate decision.

What you'll learn: 

  • A practical framework to help define which stakeholders influence treatment decisions, both in prescription and OTC markets
  • How understanding physician/patient interactions and connecting these perspectives can deliver more accurate and reliable product forecasts
  • New research methodology behind a decision influence model, including the set-up of a data-fusion analytics approach
  • Considerations on how different cultures or therapy area characteristics might impact the set-up of a decision influence model

  • Elise Kocks - Healthcare Director, SKIM
  • Nicolas Camargo - Senior Manager, Analytics, SKIM